JM3 Health & Fitness

About Me

Hello, my name is John'el Metcalf (J). I am a Divine Spirit & Soul, having and enjoying this wonderful human experience also as a proud father, grandfather, navy veteran, Elite ISSA Certified self-healing teacher, trainer, motivator, encourager, entrepreneur, and business owner. And, just like my fellow Divine Spirits & Souls out there, I am on my personal rediscovery of self-discovery journey of awakening too.  I originally hail from county of Kings, in Brooklyn, NY (Go Giants. Go Jets, Go Yankees, GO BROOKLYN!) No Matter What lol! I recently self-retired from military services in 2017. Our government is well equipped to prepare you for life as a military service member, but no one ever trained us, how to how to ever turn it off! Here's where myself healing story & journey begins. I looked to turn my personal light & dark lessons and Triumphs of my life into someone's fuel and motivation they need to not only get through one more day, but to also Blossom & Bloom, Thrive & Flourish while they do it. If you like that, then my story, my journey, my training is for you!  I'm proud to announce the re-opening of my holistic approach to health, fitness, and nutrition services again with the newly added spiritual, life coaching, mindful meditation & mentoring services as new additions to our service line and programs. It is my absolute honor, privilege and pleasure to be at your service.

The Why:

Due to my military service and the impact, it had on my physical & mental health. I had to "f-around" and find out the hard way that my own personal spiritual energetic, frequency, and vibrational needs, need my attention too. As we all know, Time is Money and everyone needs are different & unique, and require time, patience and energy. So, we encourage our current and potential clients to Always invest in Your Self-Love. Know that You are Worth it! If you would like assistance in your personal journey, The New JM3 Holistic Health & Fitness programs offer several unique specialized personal training services' that can fit any personal holistic health or fitness journey need. To book an 1hr Consultation session for more information.

Thank you for your time, I thank you for your business. 

JM3 Holistic Health & Fitness LLC. 



Before, and most certainly after the devastation, covid-19 caused to our current way of life in 2020. I felt, at least to me, it was a clear sign from the Universe that it was time for me to step back from training others, and take some time to heal myself mind body, soul, spirit, and energy, and that road lead me Here. I have been officially training and instructing myself and others in whole health & physical fitness, nutrition, and recently NEW added "Blood Type Fitness Training, Life & Lifestyle Coaching, Energy Trauma Therapy, Spiritual Coach and Spiritualism Training. For more than 25+ years I've offered these services simply because it has helped my heal, I love it, and now I to use my pain to help heal other wounds. This is how I heal; this is how I transmute; this is my Calling.


For a complete bio - including my professional certifications and my unique approach to fitness - simply give me a call or send me an email. I look forward to hearing from you.


Notice: Prices & Fees will adjust accordingly to reflect 30-90 min service selected by the client.